Press Release Summary: Gym goers and medical officials are starting to recognize that the gym could become a hotbed of infection, thanks to the large numbers of people sharing and using the same equipment without properly cleaning them off first. Many are now starting to keep more sanitary equipment and use disinfectants to make sure that the gym equipment is clean to avoid infections.
Press Release Body: July 22, 2008, Atlanta - Visits to the gym are starting to become a larger health risk than before. It is no longer just about boredom because of repetition and the pain of doing that last abdominal crunch. The risk now comes in the form of germs. This is actually something to be expected, considering that people share things like mats, lockers, and showers in the gym, allowing the germs to travel from body to surface to body with very little trouble.
The YMCA Group Vice President Kristin McEwen says that a three-tiered approach to dealing with the problem is best. "The time to de-germ and get yourself primed to fight off gym germs is actually before you work out."
She suggests that gym bags contain things like a clean water bottle, plastic bags, the gear for the workout, a clean towel, footwear appropriate for the shower, a bag of wipes, and hand sanitizer for the gym equipment. Some people might not be sure about why the gyms have become a place for fighting things like germs, but the reality is that it is matter of ensuring that the benefits of being in the gym outweigh the damage done by potential infections you can get from touching and using contaminated equipment.
According to Dr. Brian Adams, director of the University of Cincinnati Sports Dermatology Clinic, gyms "are great for fitness, but like fun in the sun, you just have to be careful."
"The main microorganism culprits are bacteria, viruses, and fungi. And there are several reasons gym-goers are at risk," he said.
The primary risk lies in the number of people who share the use of the equipment, exercise mats, showers, and lockers that allow the germs to spread easily. Which is probably the reason for so many advocating the use of disinfectants on gym equipment and facilities.
"The first several layers of the skin are like a castle wall protecting the athlete from outside marauders," Adams says. "Abrasions from mats and weight equipment, blisters from constant rubbing while running or using weight equipment both help to break down the castle wall and allow microorganisms to enter the skin."
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